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AFFIDEVIT FOR BATCH 2022-24 FOR DPHARMACY STUDENTS THE REGISTRATION WILL BE DONE ONLY UPTO 31.12.2025. THOSE WHO HAVE DEPOSITED THE FULL FEE THEIR FEE WILL BE ADJUSTED AFTER PASSING EXIT EXAM I.E. THE CERTIFICATE WILL BE RENEWED FOR FOUR YEARS WITHOUT FEE. FROM DATED 10.03.2025 THE COUNCIL WILL ACCEPT THE FILE FOR ADMISSION FOR THE BATCH OF 2022-24 AS PER SCHEEDULE (DISTRICT WISE) ALREADY MENTION IN THE SITE. D.Pharmacy Students Seeking Registration are requested to submit new parctical training form only Attendance Sheet and Annexure A is compulsary for all New Registration candidates and only signed by Principal ANNEXURE “A” MUST BE ON LETTER HEAD OF INSTITUTION/UNIVERSITY DULY STAMPED AND SIGNED BY PRINCIPAL ONLY Al students are requested that Anexure "A" (attested by principal) is compulsory with file for verification at Haryana State Pharmacy Council . Bring Anexure "A" Click here to download nomination form For elections of haryana state pharmacy council Click here to view Voter List Link - Election of Haryana State Pharmacy Council ( Year 2022 ) Timing for recieve of New Registration and Renewal is 10.00 am to 1.30 pm public dealing (document verification for new registration ) will start according to the schedule given here-Monday- Ambala, Bhiwani, Faridabad, Charkhi dadri, Fatehabad . Tuesday - Gurugram, Hisar, Jhajjar, Jind. Wednesday- Kaithal Karnal Kurukshetra Mahendergarh NUH Mewat. Thursday- Palwal Panchkula Panipat Rewari. Friday- Rohtak Sirsa Sonipat Yamuna Nagar


  1. Click New Registration Button and read out the eligibility criteria for new registration in Haryana State Pharmacy Council
  2. If eligible, click on start online registration button on the site
  3. Fill the basic information on the online registration form and upload the requisite documents in PDF format (10th, 10+2, D.Pharm/B.Pharm/Pharm.D).
  4. After successful submission of basic information application number will be provided online, the same no. will serve as candidate\s USER ID.
  5. Candidate is required to verify his/her previously uploaded basic information and certificates uploaded earlier during application form submission.
  6. Download payment challan and take printout of the same. Deposit the amount shown in challan in any of the Punjab National Bank Branch. Also, preserve the candidate copy with you.
  7. Download the affidavit format and after completion of the same, preserve it with you.
  8. Opt user login button on the site. Fill your application ID in user name and password and click on login button.
  9. Upload the candidate copy of payment challan. Enter transaction no. (Form challan copy), amount deposited alongwith date of deposition of payment.
  10. Click on save and continue button.
  11. Check your routine application progress report periodically and follow the instructioins given by HSPC online.

User Login
Department Login
Head Office Haryana State Pharmacy Council
SCO 208, IInd Floor, Sector 14, Panchkula.
Ph. - 0172-2587622, 08699055894
(For Enquiry 09:30 to 13:15 & 14:15 to 16:30 only)
Email - [email protected]